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Welcome to the latest edition of the GM Homes newsletter

Writer's picture: GMHPGMHP

In May we shared a programme update, focusing on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and how Delivery Partners and participants have reacted to the crisis and lockdown. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, the update can be found here.

COVID-19 update

A month down the line and Delivery Partners continue to provide essential support to all participants virtually, however very recently some face-to-face contact has started to be re-introduced where appropriate, and where social distancing can be maintained safely.

The majority of participants have been very grateful for the support being provided, and more and more are now demonstrating their new found independence and ability to sustain a tenancy, something they would only have dreamed of prior to starting the SIB programme.

Exit planning

This is extremely positive news considering the programme draws to a close at the end of December 2020. The focus over the remainder of the year is the programme’s exit strategy, which aims to minimise the risk of any participant returning to rough sleeping, focusing on seven main themes:

1. In depth cohort analysis, assessing the current risk of each participant returning to rough sleeping.

2. Individual exit strategies for each engaging participant, ensuring everyone has access to the necessary support outside of the SIB programme.

3. Implementation of ‘SIB Principles’ Action Plan for housing providers (referred to in March’s newsletter) to ensure the flexible ways of working continue when supporting and housing tenants with complex needs and vulnerabilities.

4. Ongoing support to access employment, training and education opportunities.

5. Managing impact of COVID-19.

6. Learning from experience in order to feedback to partners and commissioners.

7. Post programme monitoring and review in order to truly measure the success of the programme and exit strategy.

All partners are now well underway with implementing the key actions within the exit strategy. One of the key elements of the exit strategy’s success will be the continuation of the strong relationships between all partners, including our commissioners (GMCA), Delivery Partners, Local Authorities, housing providers and statutory services.

This was identified very early on in the programme, and has been built upon ever since. It is these relationships that have enabled the programme to be as successful as it has been to date, surpassing initial targets and so far supporting 324 formally rough sleepers into permanent accommodation.


Case studies

Ryan's family story

Ryan faced many challenges before he found the SIB. As a young man, he faced homelessness, mental issues and drug addiction.  Great Places helped him to start tackling his issues, find his first home and now, he's been able to start his new family. Read about Ryan's story by clicking here.

How Matt* started a new chapter

Having spent most of his adult life in custody, Matt was in a bad state both mentally and physically when we first made contact with him. 

Shelter worked with Matt on his drug addiction, his physical health and his job prospects, and now he's on his way to becoming self-employed. Read about Matt's story.

Supporting participants through COVID-19

The pandemic has understandably stalled the recovery of some of our participants, including Robert*.

The Brick needed to think outside the box when it came to supporting Robert through lockdown, and by understanding his personal needs and tailoring their support appropriately, Robert is now starting to feel more confident in himself. Find out more by reading our case study

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